
Facing South-East on shallow granite soil, the cadastral place Combiliaty is one of the largest terroirs in the Brouilly appellation.
Powerful, virile, Combiliaty wine is made for aging.

Winemaking process

Parcel-by-parcel vinification (100% Gamay Noir) / 100% destemmed / Maceration: 11 days of maceration in stainless steel tank. Pumping over, Aerated pumping over, and Racking. No punching down. Sulfiting after MLF and at bottling / Aging: 15 months in large wooden cask.

Technical notes

Ingredients : Grapes, Sulfites, Acid regulators (tartaric acid and potassium bicarbonate), Bottled under protective atmosphere.

Nutritional values : 77 Kcal/100mL

Calories : 89 kcal/12cl

Alcohol content : 13%

Total acidity : 4,71 g/L

SO2 Total : 62 mg/L

Residual sugar : 0,5 g/L

Tasting notes

Service temperature : 59°F